“……. It was so much more than just being "sexy"-it was exploring and showing a different side of myself.
I can't even explain the high I felt afterwards.
I smiled for days!
I still smile and get excited when I think or talk about it!”
My boudoir story:
So, Josh was bragging about he had out done himself this Christmas, and I thought I had done pretty well in keeping up with him until I opened my card. Inside was the receipt for my booking, and I almost fell over. I was so excited!!! In the months before, I had been admiring other girls' pictures and remembered that I had mentioned how I wished I had guts to actually book a shoot. I was surprised and so flattered that he thought to do that for me !!
Then it got real-I got the contract. And I freaked. I'm a pretty private person. I describe myself as the ultimate Facebook creeper, because I almost never post anything, I just react. I'm into competitive bodybuilding, but I never post gym selfies or many competition pictures. Mostly because I do this for me, and people are so quick to judge and say negative things (remember to surround yourself with positivity!!! The biggest step I ever took toward my own happiness was to quit listening to what others think!!!)
Reading over the contract, it hit me- I'm going to be taking pictures of my naked body. And alllllllll kinds of negative thoughts invaded my head. What if I look old? What if my wrinkles make me look like a wicked witch? What if I look like some alien creature trying to take its first steps when I'm posing? I suck at girling- what if they let me pick my own outfit and I look like a toddler that raided moms closet? What if....
After a good pep talk from my grandma, she encouraged me to do it and share the pictures- and I am so glad I did. This turned out to be so much more than I thought it would. These ladies made me feel so comfortable and beautiful just being myself! They were completely prepared for everything. And I mean everything! They got me to open up a bit and relax, then we got started. It was all so professional-I like i felt like a model! I was having so much fun I didn't worry about any of the things I thought would dominate my thoughts (the poses made me feel NOTHING like the awkward creature I imagined, in fact they were strangely empowering). Not once did I feel like a kid playing dress up, or like I was taking dirty pictures "just for Josh". It was so much more than just being "sexy"-it was exploring and showing a different side of myself. I can't even explain the high I felt afterwards. I smiled for days! I still smile and get excited when I think or talk about it!
And the pictures. The pictures!! I must say these ladies really live up to their reputation as artists, because man, I was blown away by my reveal! I ended up buying all of them because they all turned out just incredible! I look at them every few days... and think about all the cool things I want to get to take with me to my next session!!!
| Southern Belles Boudoir |
Oklahoma's Exclusive
All Female Staff Boudoir Studio
It means so much when our clients allow us to share their images, we truly have the best clients EVER!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
xoxo Ashley + Rachel
To join our empowering woman-lovin'-celebrating each other badass-ness FB Group- click HERE - ladies only, no men and no jointed accounts will be approved.
To keep up to date on any upcoming specials or see more of our work, if you aren't already, we would like to encourage you to follow us on Instagram@southernbellesboudoir